Work produced as part of a challenge on Instagram. 7 prompts, over 7 days under the hashtag #bksjunglebook

1 At other times Mowgli would pick the long thorns out of the pads of his friends for wolves suffer terribly from thorns and burrs in their coats.

2 Baloo taught him how to tell a rotten branch from a sound one, how to speak politely to wild bees.

3 The monkeys dragged Mowgli in to their cold lairs and instead of going to sleep they joined hands and danced about and sang their foolish songs.

4 Kaa was not a poisonous snake, in fact he rather despised poisonous snakes as cowards, but his strength lay in his hug.

5 Mowgli laid his head down on Bagheera's back and slept so deeply, that he never woke up when he was put down in the home-cave.

6 Mowgli kicked the fire with his foot and the sparks flew up... he strode forward to where Shere Khan sat blinking at the flames and caught him by the tuft of his chin.

7 Then Mowgli picked out a shady place and lay down and slept while the buffaloes grazed around them.